mercredi 25 avril 2012

Stella Mc Cartney nude sandals !!

Bonjour à tous !!

J'espère que vous allez bien :-)

I was looking for nude sandals for this summer, and when I saw these amazing Stella Mc Cartney ones I couldn't resist !!
I ordered them on net-a-porter website more than a month ago, but I received them only last week because I live in a pedestrian road so DHL couldn't come ... Fortunately they're very professional, so despite my awful studies schedule they have found a way to deliver them !!!!

Here are some pictures, with the beautiful net-a porter package.

Unfortunately they don't fit me so I won't be able to show you outfits wearing them :-(
I was soooo sad !

How do you find them ?

Bonne journée !! :-)

lundi 23 avril 2012

Vogue Paris April issues - Inspiration

Bonjour bonjour !

Comment allez vous ?

An other inspiration post from the same Vogue Paris (very quick this time), I told you about it here.

This one is called "Sous le soleil", and I find those pictures totally gorgeous, it makes me think of Brigitte Bardot when she was young.
The whole shooting was amazing as always with Vogue, but this two pictures are my favourites :

 Photographe : Lachlan Bailey
Realisation : Géraldine Saglio

It makes me want to be in summer holidays !!

How do you find them ?
What do you think of a short-sleeve jumper on top of your bikini when it's a little bit cold on the beach ?

Bonne journée <3
(Remember that if you like it you can follow my blog with bloglovin') 

dimanche 22 avril 2012

We are golden !

Bonjour !

Tadaaam !! This an outfit post ! 
Last week-end I came back to Paris so we took some pictures. This is a semi-indoor shooting (= it's on our  terrace) because we hadn't enough time to go to one of our favourite places ...

samedi 21 avril 2012

RIP Picnik

Bonjour à tous !

If you wanted to edit your pictures using picnik, yesterday was the last day to do it ...
Google bought this website a few months ago, and decided to shut it down.

This free photo editing website was really great, easy to use and with a lot of fun options. On top of that it was really absolutely totally free !!
So now I'm looking for others website like this one ...

I've already found two :
Bloggif and Aviary, but they seem really more difficult to use than picnik.

I've tried the "collage" function with bloggif and it was ok, quite easy to use but you have to resize your pictures and adjust them by yourself.

Aviary :

Bloggif :

What do you use to edit your photos and make your collages ?
Another free website ?
Or a software like Photoshop ?

Bonne journée à tous ! :-)

mercredi 18 avril 2012

My pencil case is a playground

Bonjour !

I wanted to share with you the contents of my pencil case (besides pencils of course), this little big piece of material is with me every day during 8 boring hours. So it's like my survival kit (with my crosswords) ...

A friend of mine say that I could make a child happy with it ...
And I'm very happy indeed. :-)

Let me introduce you to all my little friends, most of them earned eating Kinder eggs :

They're really ugly, aren't they ? :-)
 The paper toys are origamis, the one on the right is a "cocotte qui bat des ailes", but to traduce it is far beyond my weak english !!

And you, do you have some fun/entertaining stuff in your pencil case ?
Or are you lucky enough to do interesting studies ?

If you have any idea of another small game I could play with during classes, let me know I'm always trying to improve my playground. ^

Bonne fin d'après-midi !!

mardi 17 avril 2012

Vogue Paris April Issue : Show inspiration !

Bonsoir chers lecteurs !

Yes I know I'm doing this inspiration post from the April issue while you can almost already buy the may one ... But inspiration is eternal right ? :-)

mardi 10 avril 2012

Un peu de bleu ?

Bonsoir !

How are you tonight after Easter chocolate binge ? :-)

At last, an outfit post with my new Miu Miu shoes (I told you about them here).

dimanche 8 avril 2012

Joyeuse Pâques !

Happy Easter to all of you my dear readers !!!

Joyeuse Pâques à vous tous mes chers lecteurs !!!


Isn't this chocolate bunny so cute ?

samedi 7 avril 2012

New beauties ...

Bonjour  !

Comment allez-vous ? :-)
This is a quick post about my new babies, aka heels, from the french brand Tara Jarmon. 
Do you know this brand ? I'm not sure you can find it out of France like Sandro or Maje ... Anyway, if you don't know it (and can of course) you should definitely take a look at the collection !!

I was looking for nude heels for this summer (yeah, girls are always looking for THE kind of shoes that is not among the 50 pairs we already own ... isn't it ?) at first I didn't thought of pumps, but when I saw those I knew I had found the pair I was looking for. (Not sure I'm using the right tenses, sorry if I don't)

What do you think of them ?
Do you have already found your "this summer perfect shoes" ?

Bonne journée et bon week-end à tous <3

(Remember that you can follow me with bloglovin if you like my blog :-) )

dimanche 1 avril 2012

Red scarf and cow-boy boots !

Bonjour à tous !!

Sorry for this lack of posts, but I'm having some exams (again ...) on top of my awful classes schedule and it takes all my usually-free time ! 
The first one was on friday, about signal processing, I think it has been ok. And this friday it will be about probabilities, known as being very hard :-(